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"Goodness, Discipline, and Knowledge": St. Michael's College School, my foundation to success.

My family and I, with my diploma, I had to miss graduation to play in the 2017 FIBA World Cup, so I celebrated when I got back with my people.

St. Michael’s College School, located in the heart of downtown Toronto, wasn’t just where I spent my formative years; it became the foundation upon which I’ve built much of my success. Guided by the timeless motto of “Goodness, Discipline, and Knowledge,” St. Michael’s provided me with more than an education—it instilled in me values, discipline, and a brotherhood that have impacted me greatly and that I still am reminded of to this day.

Goodness, Discipline, and Knowledge: The Pillars of My Education

At St. Michael’s, these three pillars were more than words. Goodness meant more than just kindness; it signified moral character and integrity. I learned that true success is grounded in the way we treat others, and in maintaining a moral compass, even when it isn’t easy. Discipline was about structure and resilience. It taught me that hard work, commitment, and persistence are non-negotiable to striving for, and then achieving the goals you dream of. And knowledge was not just about academics—it was the wisdom that comes from engaging with the world critically and thoughtfully.

This balanced approach of mind and heart shaped me in profound ways. These values were carried through every lesson, in the classroom and beyond. It was here that I learned the importance of appreciation, as well as setting long-term goals and working towards them with patience and perseverance.

Had the pleasure of being on the panel of the 2019 Athletic Banquet

Brotherhood Beyond the School Walls

One of the greatest gifts I received from St. Michael’s was the sense of brotherhood. The friendships I forged there weren’t just within the school hallways, they’ve endured, deepened, and are now woven into the fabric of my adult life. Growing up and watching close friends and old teammates find success in their own journeys of life has been special, especially while staying connected, leaning on each other for support and celebrating wins along the way. A lot of brothers I have from the yellow brick halls, I speak to almost daily through the phone, especially in group chats. Thursday nights, I reconnect with many old teammates and classmates at our alumni runs. It’s a cherished tradition that has been going for years that provides time for us all to get together, although competitively, it’s a time that celebrates not just our shared memories on the court or through the hallways, but the bond that was fostered through our time at SMCS and beyond.

Duane Notice '15 and Marcus Carr (SMCS 2011-2015) after our game in the CEBL.

Resilience Through Routine

St. Michael’s didn’t just provide a rigorous academic and moral education—it shaped my personal discipline. Every morning, I’d wake up at 5:45 AM to catch the 6:30 bus at Bramalea City Centre to get to school. The GO bus would take my brother and I to Yorkdale where we’d subway 4 stops down to St. Clair West. Our days were long, sometimes ending as late as 7:30 PM with my basketball, and my brother’s soccer schedule. This routine, though demanding, taught us resilience and work ethic. Those early mornings and long commutes forced us to manage our time effectively, find motivation when it was difficult, and remain focused on the bigger picture.

In retrospect, it was these routines that prepared me for the rigors of university life and beyond. Balancing school and sport coupled with the long days commuting to and from school was the perfect precursor to having success at Harvard. The discipline to push through tough days, balance multiple demands, and still strive for excellence is something I still rely on today.

Educators Who Shape Lives Beyond the Classroom

Lastly, I can’t talk about my time at St. Michael’s without acknowledging the incredible educators who played such a significant role in my journey. Coach Zownir, Lumsden, Corrente, Mr. John, Mr. Toa, they weren’t just teachers—they were mentors. Their selflessness, care, and dedication extended far beyond academic instruction. Staff stayed well beyond the ringing of the end of day bells, to further impact our lives as we partook in extra curriculars and sports. Whether it was through instruction, sharing of stories, listening to us vent, they truly invested in our personal growth and success. Even now, their influence remains strong in my life. Whether it’s the lessons they taught or the support they still offer, their impact is a lasting one.

The staff at St. Michael’s didn’t just prepare us for exams; they prepared us for life. They taught us how to navigate challenges, think critically, and, above all, act with integrity. Their commitment to each student’s success was paramount to everything they did, and I am grateful to have been surrounded by such unwavering support from influential and selfless educators.

St. Michael’s College School had a large impact on my family’s life. My brother and I both attended and graduated from this school, forming lots of memories and taking away countless lessons. I am extremely grateful to my parents who sacrificed to have me experience the top levels of academic and athletic excellence at the high school level in Canada. Thank you SMCS for playing an integral part of helping shape me into the man I am today.

With the two I owe everything to, following the 2017 SMCS Dan Prendergast Tournament.

1 Comment

Sep 24

Great article Danilo. At 72 I'm constantly reminded of the positive effect of having graduated from SMC

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